How to Cut Costs on Petrol and Save Money

If you and your family are thinking about taking a car trip this December to your favorite vacation spot, you should be aware that the fuel costs could end up being quite expensive. Because the price of petrol changes on a month-to-month basis, you are undoubtedly searching for ways to lower costs and reduce the amount of fuel you use.

There are a few different routes you can go in order to reduce your fuel consumption if you are serious about doing so. We’ll take a look at a certain helpful advice from the pros on how to cut down on the cost of gas in this post. One more post that you should check out before you start packing your bags is the one in which we offer practical driving advice for a trip through South Africa.

Quicken Your Pace Beginning With the Pull Off

Some of the most effective strategies for reducing the amount of money spent on gasoline include starting motionless from a stop, preventing wheel spins, and shifting up to the next gear as quickly as possible. If you want to get up to 80 kilometers per hour in the most economical manner possible, you should accelerate gradually in the lower gears at first, then move more quickly through the middle gears, and finally settle into one of the higher gears. This should take up to 20 seconds.

Continue Along With the Current of the Traffic

Maintain a consistent speed and keep up with the flow of traffic as you navigate the city. If it decelerates too much, you’ll not only become a hazard, but you may also be forced to shift down into a lower gear, which will cause you to use more petrol.

Be Cautious When Adjusting the Accelerator

To keep the engine in your car from becoming overworked, always begin at a speed that is lower than 1,500 revolutions per minute (r/min), and always accelerate gradually. The rate of fuel delivery will speed up when the throttle is opened all the way.

Take Measures to Manage Tyre Wear and Pressure

Because of the significant impact that a vehicle’s tires have on its fuel economy, it is important to invest in the highest quality tires that you can afford and to keep them properly inflated at all times. Regular inspection of wear and tear is necessary because it can also have an effect on the vehicle’s alignment and performance.

Decrease Your Speed Slightly

Take a ten-kilometer-per-hour reduction in your cruising speed. Because of the significant boost in air resistance that occurs when increasing speed, this will result in a discernible reduction in the amount of fuel that is consumed.

Prepare for the Oncoming Traffic

Make it a goal to make as few mistakes as possible. The acceleration of the car is changed into heat energy when the brakes are applied. When you give the car more gas, the engine has to make up for the lost energy in order to get the vehicle back up to its maximum speed.

Stay Away From Roof Racks as Well as Trailers

Bring as much of your extra luggage into the vehicle as you possibly can. When you accelerate, the amount of petrol you go through will increase noticeably if you have a luggage rack or a trailer attached to your vehicle because they both raise the amount of air resistance. You might also want to consider removing any unnecessary stuff from your vehicle in order to bring down its overall mass.

Don’t Start and Stop Often

You should make an effort to keep your momentum going as much as possible, keep your focus on the road, go with the flow of traffic, and the time your approach the hills, robots, and crossings as best you can.

Be Patient and Avoid Accidents

Your vehicle will use more petrol and suffer more wear and tear on its transmission and brakes if you have to fight your way through traffic.

Windows VS Air Conditioning

Instead of turning the air conditioning on when cruising at slower speeds when it is extremely hot outside and you want to stay cool, roll down the windows and open the sunroof. However, when traveling at speeds of more than 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour), open windows will generate a substantial amount of drag. In this situation, it is best to use your air con.

Get Some Extra Weight Out of Your Vehicle

Are you aware that driving with a large loads in your car results in an increase in the amount of fuel consumed? You can decrease the weight of your vehicle by removing any unnecessary stuff that are stored in the trunk or the back seats. The better off you are when the load is lighter. Get rid of all of the unnecessary tools and clutter that you have lying around.

Get Your Car Serviced on a Regular Basis

Regular servicing and upkeep of your vehicle are of the utmost significance if you want to keep it in pristine condition. In South Africa, having auto insurance is mandatory, and insurers strongly advise maintaining your car at regular intervals to keep it in safe driving condition.

Make sure that every component is operating as it should, and that your vehicle is not wasting any fuel or oil, or that it is using more fuel than it should be. Wheels that are not aligned properly waste fuel by working against each other. To ensure that everything continues to function normally, adhere to the maintenance schedule. Additionally, we suggest utilizing low-viscosity oils of high quality; for data regarding the type of oil that is advised for your vehicle, refer to the manual that came with your vehicle.

Sharing a Ride

Consider splitting the cost of gas with a coworker or neighbor if you travel the same route to work or happen to live in the same neighborhood. This will help you save money on gas. The same strategy can be utilized when transporting children to and from school. Investigate the possibility of forming a carpool with your neighbors in order to cut down on the amount of money spent on gas.

Schedule Your Routes

If you find that there is typically a significant amount of traffic during your normal commute, you should look at maps to find alternate routes or shortcuts that will allow you to avoid the congestion. Alternately, you can leave a bit earlier or a bit later than usual in order to beat the traffic. When you have different destinations to visit in one day, schedule the route you take so that you do not have to go back and forth between them.


The recent spike in the price of petrol has had an effect on all of our lives, particularly the lives of those of us who commute on a regular basis. Therefore, if you are going on a road trip, it is in your best interest to bear these points in mind so that you can learn how to spend less money on petrol and maintain the smooth operation of your car.